Category | Topics |
blogPosts tagged under this category relate to the Descendants of Draenor memoirs blog, Eight Years in Azeroth, written by @Hanzo.
Site FeedbackDiscussion about this site, its organization, how it works, and how we can improve it.
funPosts under this category necessarily related to games or gaming, World of Warcraft, Descendants of Draenor, Leadership, or the memoirs blog. This is a catch-all category for the remainder of off-topic posts.
guildPosts under this category related specifically to the Horde guild Descendants of Draenor, currently residing on the Deathwing-US server.
gamesTopics under this category are related to games and gaming in general, as many of us enjoy leaving World of Warcraft at times for other console and pc games.
leadershipTopics in this category relate to leadership, either in game (eg. guild leadership, raid leadership), or in the real-world (eg. team leadership, business leadership). All leadership covers a lot of the same familiar territory, so any discussion related to leadership, either virtual or real, should be planted here.
metaPosts under this category are related to the Discourse forums themselves, so any questions about how the forums work, or concerns that things do not behave as you expect should be planted here.
techTopics under this category have a generalized theme surrounding technology. We use this category to discuss pc hardware, upgrades, video cards, gadgets, and other misc. items that have a clearly technological spin. Additionally, this category serves as a means to discuss the latest happenings on the Internet.